We are always looking for bold, creative, and driven scientists.
- For potential postdoctoral applicants, you should email your CV and interests to Greg Engel. It's also always helpful if your adviser contacts Greg as well.
- For potential graduate students, please apply through the Chemistry Department, the Program in Biophysical Sciences, the Physics Department or the Institute for Molecular Engineering. We regret that we cannot accept graduate students directly into the laboratory; you must first gain admission to one of these programs.
- For current graduate students, please come to the lab, meet us and start coming to our group meetings.
- For UChicago undergraduates, please contact Greg directly to make an appointment.
- For prospective undergraduates, please apply through the College. We regret that we cannot accept undergraduates directly into the laboratory until you enroll at UChicago.
For more information and links to applications, please look